Design studio PLANETA Co. Ltd. is skillful at graphic production for consumer games and 3D CG art with a strong sense of presence. Their president, Hideaki Hakozaki, has been working on Pok´mon TCG art since 2009. He later founded PLANETA, where currently Otani is mainly involved in the production of all varieties of illustrations. In addition to card art, during the Black & White Series, they were in charge of packaging and posters.
Mega Alakazam Deck Case
Booster Box: Rage of the Broken Heavens
Booster Pack: Rage of the Broken Heavens
Booster Box: Blue Shock
Booster Box: Red Flash
Booster Pack: Blue Shock
Booster Pack: Red Flash
Booster Box: Megalo Cannon
Booster Pack: Megalo Cannon
Booster Box: Spiral Force
Booster Box: Thunder Knuckle
Booster Pack: Spiral Force